Anita Swanson, Paralegal


  • 42 years of experience in the electric power industry and at the forefront of developing tools and processes for managing compliance of NERC Reliability Standards
  • Project Management, Internal Compliance Program Development and Implementation, Technical writing, and Awareness Training development expertise
  • Audit Preparation, Support and Management
  • NERC & Regional Web Portal reporting, self-certification documentation review, and mitigation plan management
  • NERC 101 Trainer
  • Experienced in preparation for settlement, request for hearing, and responses to potential violations
  • SEC & NYSE reporting, FERC Interlocking Directorates and OATT reform filings, as well as extensive experience in Board and Corporate Compliance matters
  • Active member of the WICF and the WECC Compliance User Group since 2007, as well as other Regional Compliance User Groups


  • Certificate of Paralegal Studies, The American Legal System – Washington Online Learning Institute
  • Mentoring, Core Concepts Certificate Program – Genesis Institute
  • Legal and Business Courses – Whitworth University and Spokane Community Colleges
  • General Accounting Program – Kinman Business University


  • Client Project Management
  • Documentation, Evidence Preparation and Training for Client Audits, self-certifications, and program management
  • NERC O&P and CIP Mock Audit & Assessments Team Member
  • O&P and CIP Procedure & Process Reviews
  • RSAW Development
  • Review & Evaluation of Client ICP
  • Develop, Implement, Manage, & Maintain Client Reliability Compliance Programs and Tracking Tools
  • Prepare and Present NERC, ICP, and Sabotage Awareness Training to Clients & Industry
  • Technical Writing
  • Monitoring of FERC, NERC & Regional Activities