Proven Compliance Solutions Inc. (PCS) Celebrates Nine Years of NERC O&P & CIP Compliance Consulting Services!

PCS Celebrates 9 Years

Proven Compliance Solutions Inc. (PCS) is celebrating its nine year anniversary in the field of NERC Reliability Compliance Consulting. PCS has firmly established itself as one of the leading compliance consultants in both the (FERC Order 693) Operations and Planning (O&P) Reliability Standards and the (FERC Order 706) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability Standards.

PCS was formed in July of 2010 by a team of seasoned electric industry technical experts, former NERC and Regional auditors, and compliance management professionals. PCS services include audit support and preparation, compliance assessments, mock audits, gap analyses, internal controls, staff training, due diligence support, development and implementation of reliability compliance documentation, including Internal Compliance Programs, and on-call reliability compliance expertise. PCS supports clients in all regions in both the US and Canada.

PCS supports Registered Entities of all shapes and sizes from small generating sites to the largest Utilities and Reliability Coordinators/Independent System Operators in North America. PCS clients have received and continue to receive the same excellent care, attention to detail, and timely responses year after year. When asked about PCS’ support, a long time client responded:

“The staff at PCS is very easy to work with. They are very knowledgeable; they give the right advice, and are available when we need their guidance.”

Crystal Musselman, PCS President and CEO stated: “It is hard to believe how fast the past nine years have come and gone. We have seen an emergence of wind and solar generation that require NERC compliance program support, which has added to our extensive client list. Year after year we have repeat clients, which demonstrate the confidence they have in our team. Our staff is committed to educating itself on evolving industry issues so we can continue to provide the quality services that are recognized by both our clients and Regional auditors.”

For information on how PCS can support your organization’s NERC Reliability Standards compliance needs, please contact Dale Zahn at (262) 436-4116 or visit our website at #NERCcompliance #NERC #criticalinfrastructureprotection #weccreliability #SPPorg #ReliabilityFirst #Texas_RE_Inc


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